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aesthetic services Blog

Medical Grade Skincare With Retinol!

Medical Grade Skincare With Retinol!

Want to know the secret to antiaging? Celebrities use it all the time! Celebrities like Steve Carell and Jennifer Aniston among others are aging backwards before our very eyes! What are they doing? Well I think I have a very good idea! Over the last 20 years I have...

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Kamloops Dermal Fillers

Kamloops Dermal Fillers

Botox and Dermal Filler Done Right… One of the main thoughts our patients share with us is that they are concerned if they get fillers, botox or other injectable treatments like Dysport that they will start looking weird, or like a celebrity with bad plastic surgery....

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Microneedling or Collagen Induction Therapy

Microneedling or Collagen Induction Therapy

Microneedling or Collagen Induction Therapy is offered at Sona MD. This therapy creates microchannels in the skin that allow for penetration of product and Platelet Rich Plasma. These channels also stimulate a healing response in the skin which increases collagen...

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Non-Surgical FaceLifts and Dermal Fillers

Non-Surgical FaceLifts and Dermal Fillers

As we age, volume loss and alterations in our skeletal structure are major components of the changes we see in the mirror. These changes can begin as early as the late 20’s! We can see subtle loss of volume or fullness of the cheeks, and alterations in the areas...

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Dermal Fillers- why we carry them all!

Dermal Fillers- why we carry them all!

Patients often wonder why we carry so many different types of fillers in our office.  They may come in with the name of a branded filler that they saw advertised on TV and feel that this is what is needed to address their concerns. A large part of the aging process...

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Angry Forehead Lines

Angry Forehead Lines

Many lines and wrinkles on the face are caused by repeated movement and creasing of the skin that occurs over the years. Some lines are caused by volume loss or skin aging secondary to lifestyle factors, like smoking, genetics or sun exposure. The lines that are...

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Frustrations of a Melasma Mustache

Frustrations of a Melasma Mustache

Melasma is a chronic, hormonally responsive pigment problem that affects mostly women in their child bearing age.  A very common area that is affected is the upper lip, cheeks and forehead.  The patches of pigment often have a grey pallor to them and are symmetrical,...

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